Holiday Transportation Challenges, Successes and IdeasHoliday Transportation Challenges, Successes and Ideas

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Holiday Transportation Challenges, Successes and Ideas

Hello, my name is Mandi, and welcome to my blog. As a mum of three and a lifelong lover of travelling, I have embarked on many journeys during the holidays. I have travelled to far-flung places during their religious and cultural festivals, and I have travelled through our own country on special holidays. Along the way, I have learned the best ways to find great deals, beat the crowds, plan holidays away from home and more. I love to write so I decided to create a blog about holiday transportation! I hope you enjoy and learn from these posts! Happy travels!

Everything You Should Know About Transporting Timber

The transportation of timber presents many challenges. The process is done in a series of stages, starting from measuring the logs specifications, diameters, weight, and length. The specifications vary depending on the moisture content, as well as the type of wood. The amount of logs bark removal also influences the load securing decision, especially during the spring season. Because of its length, it can be awkward to haul lumber. But with the right precautions and knowledge, the process is easy and straightforward. Here is everything that you should know about lumber transportation.

How to haul timber 

The process of hauling wood in a truck starts by determining the weight of the load. When the weight is less than 250lbs, you can opt to tailgate it up. Arrange the lumber in an organised manner and tie both sides of the bundle. Tying keeps the wood together and prevents it from moving or falling when you pass through bumpy roads. If the load's weight is more than 250lbs, the tailgate will be lower. A lower tailgate extends the trailer's bed to provide more support. 

How to tie lumber before transportation

For safety, it is important to tie down your lumber bundle in the jinker trailer. To start the process, you will need the proper equipment. Do not use bungee cords or rope as they do not endure pressure for an extended period. The safest way to tie the lumber is to use ratchet straps. You will have nothing to worry about if you are transporting a small load. However, if the load is heavy, you will need more than two straps to keep the pack in a good position.

How to transport timber in a jinker trailer

The best way to transport timber is to use jinker trailers. Some people, however, carry them using cars which are quite dangerous. If possible, look for a reliable lumber company for transport. A professional company does not only offer means of transportation but also provides expert advice on the same.

How far can timber hang out of the jinker trailer?

Depending on the size of the trailer and of the lumber, the wood may hang out. However, if the load extends more the five inches at the front or the back; put a mark to warn the other drivers or road users. You should also follow the Australian regulations that govern the transportation of lumber. 

Hauling lumber in a truck often seems intimidating, but it's not a big deal with the right preparations and precautions. Follow our instructions above, use the right equipment, and you will have a smooth process of transporting timber in Australia.